
°Aeonio is a dialogue between organic environment and related data abstractions.
It complements presence with visual blueprints and acoustic fragments as a real-time process.
The multimedia piece follows several approaches to emphasize a core of data: impulse.

The artwork co-narrates by the elements of visual arts, experimental dance and contemporary music.
It is meant to be performed live as a vivid presentation for public audience, on public stages
or outdoor sceneries.
°AEONIO uses a multilayer media setting to achieve a converging communication between its narrative
elements. It offers a journey through morphing landscapes and imaginary organisms, stimulating
the audience to continuously perceive new associations of alternating arguments.
As an evocative circulation of influences by physical, acoustical and visual counterpoints,
it reflects the boundaries of existence and communication within this fragile questioning.
Media environment is created with Live Camera / Kinect / Processing / Quartz Composer / MaxMSP
/ Ableton Live / Boss RC-50 / Viola / Akkordion / Percussion Bells / Metallophon / Sensula / Metronom.

Links and Information about the collaborating artists:

Christian Sonntag – Website
Katerina Liana – Vimeo
Céline Péle – Website / Soundcloud
Special thanks to Anton Iakhontov ( link ) for video loops.