Monkey-eating Mousie


Still images for “Monkey-eating Mousie” movie collaboration with Patrick K.-H.
Check the full video here:

More info:
Media artists Patrick K.-H. and Oleg Makarov research in the depth of basic media-archeology, working with “drawn sound” technology of 1920’s.

“Drawn sound” (also graphical sound, cutted sound) appeared as the way to produce “sound track” at film tape: converting sound to image (that is graphical spectrum of sound), and back, image (sound spectrum) to sound. At that time, it comes to be the only method to create literally every sound, both “real” and “unreal”, just from drawing. Now, it belongs to forgotten but still fruitful branches of media evolution.

Patrick K.-H. and Oleg Makarov recreate old-school technics by nowdays means: Max/MSP/Jitter, cameras / lenses, video projection, multiscreen, etc.
Also, they employ text-sound composition, sound installation, spatial sound approach, and algorithmic composition. Generally, they define interactivity as an axis for all and every media and data involved into a piece, in order to handle appeared meanings towards this axis.